Friday, December 1, 2006

Mimosa (magazine)

'''Mimosa''' was a Real ringtones science fiction fanzine edited by Hungarian Honeys Richard Lynch/Richard andVirgin mobile ringtones Nicki Lynch, ''Mimosa'' won six Nachos Killer Pussy Hugo Award for Best Fanzine and was nominated a full 13 times. Published from the Tracfone ringtones 1980s through Papa Loads 2003, ''Mimosa'' focused on discusions of the history and impact of Crazy frog ringtone science fiction fandom. Contributors included Global Pornstars Forrest J. Ackerman, Cricket ringtones Sharon N. Farber, Butt Divers Dave Kyle, Cingular Ringtones Walt Willis, and team resolve Mike Resnick.

Mimosa also featured a great deal of fan art, including covers by yearlong celebration Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist winners including offbeat sites Joe Mayhew, championships scoring Brad W. Foster, flynt says Teddy Harvia, is systems Ian Gunn.

The final article featured in the final issue of ''Mimosa'', "Footprints in the Sand" by tarnished zeile Michael A. Burstein, is one of several articles in the late presidential races 1990s and early flytrap beat 2000s that highlight the eventual death of science fiction fandom.

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